Jusaren Keep

Jusars1 Here is the front of the Keep, I haven't compeletely finished it from this point yet, The men are on in some other shots.

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Jusars4 Here is a side view a little farther into the building session! I've made the back part of the keep removeable so you can access the inside of the keep, I have yet to build everything up inside. I ran out of bricks and time :(

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Jusars2 Here shows the top half of the keep removed. I used the typical tiles on some of the studs to make it easy to remove and still allow it to be firmly kept in place. The top part will house my King and Queens quarters and will have a small treasure room, the King wants his gold close to him at all times.

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Jusars3 Here's a shot of the inside, Here you can see the Queen on part of the circular staircase, I need to add some more to this yet, so they don't have to climb up a ladder to get to their quarters. I think that's going to take a lot of reworking on part of the keep.

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Jusars6 Here is the front view with the gate down, I wanted to put some doors on it yet, though I have to wait to get some auction items!

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Jusars7 Here you see one of the heavily armored knights coming down the stairs, He's always by the Queens side along with 2 of her handmaidens, which you can see in the shot above.

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Page created 01-11-00 These pages are copyright© 1996-00 by Mookie. All rights reserved. Pictures contained on this page are copyright© Mookie