Castle of the Littles

Littles1 This was my attempt to create a fortress for all of the kings men to hold meetings, and be a neutral area for all forces to congregate.

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Littles8 Here my queen hordes her gold and keeps the men busy doing odd things for her when they aren't out scouting around for castles and mountains to loot. The Queen is used to living a very high life style and the King needs all the men he can get to keep her in her glory.

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Littles6 The knights and guards are well trained to tend to the queens needs, she has only to lift a finger and 3 or 4 knights will be at her feet asking what they can do for her. The King as always, is pleased with his knights and rewards them well when they return with a wagon full of loot.

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Littles2 Here are the King and Queen, they are standing on their Tiled Ballroom Floor. Tonight is the big night! They will be having guests, and wanted to dust off the old dance shoes!

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Littles3 This is the Kings Kitchen. The King is wealthy enough to have 2 hired chefs, They plan the King and Queens meals together. One will cook for the King and the other cooks for the Queen. They are preparing for tonights big feast as they work!

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Littles4 Here the men are gathered around the Kings round table. I'm sure they are chatting about their conquests and found treasure. Possibly planning their next attack. There's always a little work chat before a big party!

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Littles5 Here are the arriving Guests! Everyone has a smile on their face and they are happy to be invited into the Kings Grand Ballroom!

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Page last update 07-01-99 These pages are copyright© 1996-99 by Mookie. All rights reserved. Pictures contained on this page are copyright© Mookie