Royal Stable

stable5 The Kings Royal Stable, it houses Lady M, Mysteria, and the newest addition Lady M's foal, Royal Boy.
stable1 One of the farm hands, getting ready to take the Queens horse, Lady M, out for some exercise.
stable6 Queen Gwen's prize horse, Lady M, has given birth to a little brown foal!! I hear tell they've named the new foal Royal Boy, and that Lady M is resting comfortably and Mysteria, the Kings horse is the Father.
stable2 Kaylor is taking Mysteria out to visit with Royal Boy for a few.
stable4 Here's Momma watching her foal out the back window.
stable7 Felik, Cerlak, Vistra and Kaylor are guarding the little foal to make sure no one tries to take Royal Boy.

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